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Two Souls And Four Shadows

I don’t know who to trust and who to believe.

To me, all they seem to be cowards - they pretend.      

When you are lost and scared they will punish you

And then you have to live, not a life but a nightmare.

The fear of anger can turn us into demons 

but the power of will is stronger, to make us stop.

What they call "love" in our days is just ash.

We are machines, or worse, we chose to be.

As for me, I am all ears and eyes to watch

this nightmare turns into something real.

Sad moments when you need to erase it all

but your mind won’t stop until you yield.

I am out of the battlefield and strong I stand.

The power inside me, all I will recover!

And may this nightmare make me a King 

to fight the enemy, the enemy within.

Μιχάλης Τράγκας


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