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Think again.

We are numbers in their eyes,
big corporations, big lies.
Money temptation,
eternal suffocation.

They give you a job, you think you are lucky,
you start work, you are not happy.
They are raising their voices on you but don't react,
down with your head, you are a slave, it's a fact.

They offer you some money for your hard work and
you are buying things to forget , but you forget the clock.
They are violating your soul, you go home broken every night
Another living dead human being they have destroyed, goodnight.

So you wake up and getting ready to go and work again,
a vicious circle it is and you have lost something, your brain.
You serve your customers and you are their slave,
for you have to be so, otherwise you are not brave.

And if you are not brave and can't accept this, you will get kicked,
but no worries they will find another soul, you were not picked.
Picked for no reason for you are nothing but a piece of their game,
fool your customers, tear yourself apart and dive in pain.

So you can't do this anymore and you ask for help
but everyone call you lazy, that help they can't accept.
Because you have to make money to live in this world
a piece of paper is holding you or you will die in cold.

So you continue working and earning money by being their mouse
and they give you some free time to get out of this jailhouse.
In that free time you think about your work even if you are trying not to,
your parents never told you that being a slave is the worse flu.

Because your parents were in the same train and couldn't do something
so they worked hard to raise you beautiful , but in reality, they did nothing.
Look at a child, how happy it is during its childhood, the most beautiful years,
you remember all these beautiful times, no duties, no bills, no musts, no tears.

You forgot the clock and now it's late,
Working for others, too much weight.
You are wishing that you would have spent more time for things that matter,
than money, their games, their power, for anything that made your soul scatter.

Μιχάλης Τράγκας


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