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Happy 55th Birthday

The woman is growing wiser, the woman stands up with resilience and dignity. Her attitude towards life is the antidote to eternity in this chaotic world. The necessity, the harness to expand in the physical and spiritual realm makes this woman unique; this woman embraces infinite immortality. The years are passing by, each day on earth gives her gratitude. To read, to listen, to observe, to be kind, to be generous, to be thyself is all that it is to get one step closer to reach spiritual enlightenment. Life on earth was not a random decision but a pre-planned journey. You can see the reflection of a human by the way she treats animals. She pets a cat, she saves a life, she pets a dog, she gives a new home. The awareness and responsibility if not exhaustion to keep them alive by indulging her time and putting so much effort to save innocent lives. She is also a mother, a caretaker, a home, a place where the family enjoys freedom. To virtue of raising humble children in this generation is explicit bravery. All of them, spread on earth but in their heart lies the fundamental, their family. This woman is my mother, my friend and I wish her many fulfilling years to come.
~ Happy 55th Birthday ~
Μιχάλης Τράγκας

Stockholm, Sweden


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